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The beauty of coffee grounds

The beauty of coffee grounds

Last week we imparted some tips about what to do with your leftover coffee grounds. Instead of throwing them away or chucking them onto the compost heap we advised how you can use the remnants from your lattes and espressos to help condense those annoying and time consuming household chores.

Well it’s another week and we have a few further uses for those grounds.

Did you know that they can be used as a natural beauty agent?

Coffee Shampoo

If you regularly use a lot of styling products on your hair, or if you have recently switched to a more natural type of shampoo and conditioner; then your hair is probably suffering the after effects of lingering residue.

Luckily though, removing that is pretty simple!

Set aside the remaining grounds that have accumulated during the day and save them for the following morning. When it is time for your shower (or bath) grab a handful and gently massage them through your hair.

Coarse enough to break apart any remaining residue but soft enough not to cause any damage to your locks, coffee can give your hair a little boost.

Natural Scrubs

As we’ve touched on, coffee grounds are quite rough.

Therefore it shouldn’t be a surprise that coffee makes an absolutely brilliant facial and body scrub!

Just mix it with some warm water and your favourite natural oil and scrub away.

Additionally you can add some coffee grounds to your normal soap mixture to create a caffeinated soap.

Boost colour

Now, we have noted that coffee can be used as part of a new shampoo procedure, but those grounds can also boost the natural colour of your hair – if it’s a light shade that is!

Simply soak your hair into a mixture of water and coffee and the remnants of the beans will do their work. Light browns and blondes will be (temporarily) darkened and at the end of it your hair will have a lovely shine too.

Have you got any other tips on how to use ground coffee in your daily beauty routine? If so leave a comment on this webpage or get in touch via our Facebook page.