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Coffee Semifreddo


Translated into English as ‘half cold’, the semifreddo is a type of semi-frozen dessert which can encapsulate ice cakes, semi-frozen custards and a number of cold fruit tarts.

Even with the nights beginning to draw in a little bit and the slightly noticeable, if disappointing, fact that the temperature in the thermometers are dropping, the semifreddo remains a fantastic favourite of ours.

There are a few ways to make a traditional semifreddo, but the version that sets our mouths-a-watering is this recipe below.

Disclaimer: It contains coffee.

(You can also add a drop of brandy or coffee liqueur too if you want to make it into a true winter warmer!)


  • 1 tbsp of freshly ground coffee
  • 4 eggs, separated
  • 100g sugar, preferably brown
  • 300ml cream
  • Sprinkling of chocolate shavings or coffee flavoured toppings
  • Whipped cream


  • Line a loaf tin with cling film
  • Add the coffee, egg yolks and sugar into a bowl (and the brandy too if you are adding it) and stir thoroughly
  • Put the egg whites into a separate bowl
  • Put the cream into a third
  • Beat the egg whites until stiff
  • Beat the cream until it holds its shape
  • Now, fold the cream into the bowl with the egg yolk mixture and then fold that into the stiffened egg whites
  • Pour into the loaf tin, wrap in foil and then freeze.
  • When serving, add some whipped cream to the top and then sprinkle some on some toppings