Save £100 on your Coffee Machine Service in February only

Keeping your coffee machine regularly serviced is essential, it ensures that it remains at full health; which also in turn prevents your coffee from being less flavoursome or worse.
Being proactive with your machine maintenance schedule is the key, staying ahead of any potential machine downtime that could waste time and lose you money. We have previously written about our Coffee Machine Servicing options on the blog, but essentially it boils down to this: A coffee machine service helps ensure your coffee is tasting great, and that your machine is running reliably.
Get your spring cleaning out of the way early by way of getting your service booked in before the end of February; which gets you a £100 saving and extra peace of mind.
Our service includes:
- The replacement of all necessary washers, shower plates, seals, group heads and gaskets
- A strip and clean of the group head(s)
- A strip, check, thorough clean and replacement (if necessary) of the steam and water arm(s) and valves.
- A check of all general machine settings, and an adjustment if required
- Advice on the overall condition of the machine and the recommendation about any repairs and services that may be needed
Our new offer for February 2020 means that we are now offering £100 off on site coffee machine servicing, whcih is normally priced at £299. We can also include staff training if you need it (see T&Cs for further details).

There are some terms and conditions involved in this offer, which are that the discount is subject to a water filter exchange at £149 (reduced from £249) for plumbed machines. Some remote areas; such as islands, highlands and remote areas may be excluded from this offer, please contact us for further details. All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT.
Want to get your service booked?
This offer ends on 28th February 2020 – But you dont need your service completed right away – we just need your booking before this date to ensure you get the discount.
Simply call the team on 01977 687 580 quoting ‘FEBRUARY SERVICE OFFER’ to get your discounted coffee machine service.