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Photo latte art

Do you admire the sophistication of latte art designs at good coffee shops?

The presentation of coffee has come a long way and you can expect, as a matter of course, for an attractive leaf, or heart or swirl on the froth on the top of your latte.

The coffee culture is becoming increasingly sophisticated and the barista’s job is full of craftsmanship.

Let’s Cafe in Taiwan has introduced a latte art printer.

What does this mean?

The chain, which has kiosks in many convenience stores around the country, has a facility to allow customers to customise the image on the top of their drink.


Consumers upload a photo from their smartphone and the coffee machine will create a image from the photo in edible powder on the top of the coffee.

It is also possible to add text to the coffee creation.

This new app personalises coffee art in a new way.

Will it take off?

Would you be interested to create a photo image from your smartphone in your morning cup of joe?