Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability
We understand that it is important to ensure that our entire business practices are both environmentally responsible and sustainable. Everybody has a part to play in reducing his or her impact on natural resources, something that will ensure a better world – not only for us, but for future generations too.
As a busy company that is involved in the transportation of goods, we are fully aware of our own potential impact on the environment and as such, we have set out a number of aims.
- We will comply with all relevant and current environmental legislation and industry codes of practice.
- We will take steps to prevent pollution during the formulation of our products, our own operations and the transport and distribution of said goods.
- We will continuously set objectives and targets relating to our environmental impact that will be reviewed on a regular basis. This process will ensure that we constant succeed.
As part of our green policies, we have adopted the principle of the three R’s
Reduce, Re-use and Recycle
How do we implement this policy?
- We aim to purchase and use recycled goods wherever possible.
- We seek to purchase fair trade and environmentally sustainable and accredited goods.
- We promote the use of public transport, cycling and walking to work as our preferred method of commuting.
- We seek to minimise the use of energy during our day-to-day activities. For example, lights and computers will be switched on only when needed.
- We will recycle all office paper and cardboard packaging.
- We promote the use of porcelain cups within the office in an effort to prevent staff members unnecessarily using paper or plastic cups.
WEEE Compliance
Did you know that electronic goods are the fastest growing waste stream in the United Kingdom?
It is estimated that both businesses and households on an annual basis discard every year one million tonnes of waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE).
This is a lot.
Electrical goods are the fastest growing waste stream in the UK, growing by 5% each year! – recyclemore.co.uk
When items are not recycled correctly, new materials have to be produced. This causes a significant amount of damage to the environment as the energy, transport and raw materials used by this process is very high, and completely unnecessary. In an effort to reduce this growing amount, the UK government has introduced a number of stringent WEEE regulations.
The crossed out wheelie bin symbol

Since the summer of 2006 all electronic and electrical equipment should display this symbol on its packaging, or on the product itself. Anything with this mark should not be discarded through the normal waste stream and instead it should be separated and disposed of separately.
Caffe Society WEEE Scheme
Domestic customers can return their WEEE products to us free for charge when replacing for a new one. The machine has to be similar in nature and the customer can either send it to us, or deliver it in person. This must be one with 28 days of purchase of the replacement model.
Commercial customers can only return brands that we import direct from foreign manufacturers, please contact us for further details.
Any of the above brands that have been supplied by Caffe Society will be taken back by ourselves and disposed of under WEEE guidelines. We do however reserve the right to change any delivery costs that we may incur. Alternately, the customer may send the machine back to us themselves.
For further environmental information: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/environment-agency
Or contact us:
- Tel: 01977 687580