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A healthier alternative to decaf?

Pistachio nuts

How do you feel about drinking a naturally caffeine free coffee variant?

If you prefer your cup of joe without a kick then you might be interested to know that a group of Turkish researchers have claimed that they have found the ideal substitute for decaffeinated coffee – and it’s made out of pistachios.

So could we be seeing some nutty substitutes in the near future?

“This plant has been roasted and used as a caffeine-free alternative to coffee beans for many years

“But it has such a high oil content that it [doesn’t] resemble the coffee grinds people know how to use at home,” so that is why it has never really been used as a domestic or commercial product on a large scale explains Dr Fahrettin Gogus, of the University of Gaziantep who led the project.

Gogus and his team however have found a remove to remove this excess oily substance that is a by-product of the conventional roasting process to create a material that is more akin the conventional coffee grounds.

“This oil-free version can be used in any coffee machine to produce espresso-like coffee,” Dr Gogus says.

“It is not exactly the same as a traditional cup of coffee; it has a very different aroma. But in the same way that Arabica coffee or Robusta have specific [scents] our coffee has a pine and citrus [smell] which makes it very special.”

The alluring notes of pine and citrus are both products of certain compounds found naturally within the pistachios called volatiles. These are formed during the roasting process, though other organically occurring amalgams aren’t as inviting – some can be harmful.

But the method developed by Gogus and his unit remove these unwanted components though, they admit, the drink does ‘lose some of the flavour’ that sets the pistachio ‘coffee’ apart.

However where this pistachio-based joe comes into its own is the lack of chemicals that they are exposed to. Normally, coffee beans have to be treated in order to remove the caffeine, thus creating decaffeinated derivatives, but this type doesn’t need to undergo any special process at all. And Pistacia terebinthus is also known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic properties – making is a much healthier, and ‘cleaner’, alternative.

With its inviting aromas and a similar taste profile to a conventional cup of coffee, could a beverage made from roasted and ground pistachios be the go to drink of choice to decaf drinkers?