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Coffee and its effects on your memory

As reported online recently, there have been some findings about the effects of caffeine on our memories. Although many of us will be familiar with the way that our morning cup of coffee can kick start the day, we were perhaps not aware that it may also have a positive effect our memories.

A study by Nature Neuroscience has suggested that caffeine may affect the hippocampus. What is this? It is part of our brain and it has been said that, at present, humans are not using this element as efficiently as they could. What does it do? It is the part of our brain which deals with special memory and also the conversion of short term recollections into long term memories.

Scientists have experimented on rodents (not humans, yet) and it was noticed that the electrical currents to the hippocampus were boosted after caffeine consumption by the animals.

What does this mean? Some have reported that there may be the potential for this observation to help treatment of certain brain disorders. At a less optimistic level, perhaps it could also give an appropriate kick to our hippocampus to help improve memories too.

Of course, further research needs to be done, but it is always encouraging, isn’t it, when something that is delicious to eat and which gives pleasure to the senses, may actually be doing us some good? If caffeine is a memory boosting substance then our daily fix and trip to the local coffee house can be more and more justified.

Photo: Dixons Electrical