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Coffee is good for your heart

There is a news story which has been reported a lot recently and it will put a smile on the face of coffee lovers.

After all, it feels good to know that something that we are eating or drinking and that we actually enjoy is doing us good, right?

According to research from the US, if you sup four European cups of joe every day, then you could be helping your heart a little.

Until now, the American Heart Association had given warnings that regular coffee consumption was something to be careful about.

However, thanks to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and also Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, it seems that sipping coffee on a regular basis is not such a bad thing for your heart after all.

The paper which sets out the findings was published in the 26 June issue of Circulation Heart Failure.

However, there are qualifications.

As with all good things, it seems, we need to think about moderation.

The lead author in the study, Elizabeth Mostofsky, has been quoted as asking for caution – as with all things, it depends how much coffee you consume, as to how much good you are doing yourself.

Five studies were analysed and it seems that those who drank the four units had an 11% less likely chance of heart failure.

However, this reduced likelihood has its limits.

There did not seem to be a corresponding benefit at 5 cups on a daily basis.

However, this is good news, no?

Give your heart a helping hand and drink a cup of coffee a few times a day.