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Coffee to help your beauty regime

We’re all looking for ways to improve our appearance.

And for good reason.

Often the healthier someone is, the more attractive they appear.

Also, it boosts our confidence, makes us feel good and alive.

It has also been said that subliminally appearances matter a lot with job interviews and presenting yourself well.

So what’s coffee got to do with any of this?

There have been several stories in the news recently about how coffee could be part of your beauty regime to help with these goals.

What are they?

First, there has been much to-do about the green coffee bean extracts which are said to help with weight loss.

It is possible to obtain these products which are said to be an aid to shedding pounds.

Secondly, there has also been some talk of using coffee grounds as an defoliant   that is to say, using the grounds of coffee as part of the ingredients of a scrub, to help to slough away dead skin cells and give your skin a bit of a boost.

Why coffee grounds?

Apparently, the caffeine is an aid to dehydrate fat cells which can break down the fat and reduce the tell-tale ‘orange peel’ affects of cellulite.

Fancy giving either of these ideas a go?

Why not?!

And even if you don’t want to go to the trouble of buying these products, you could always just sup on a cuppa.

After all, a little of what you fancy does you good.

As an old African saying goes, one of the best ways to improve your appearance is to smile.