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Suspended coffee is everything that we love about people

The idea of buying a coffee for a stranger is probably quite unappealing to much of the British public, we do understand that, but what if that person’s circumstances were much different to your own?

Suspended coffee is a way for you to help someone who needs a hot drink slightly more than yourself, with a focus on vulnerable people or those without the means to provide for themselves.

Initially started over a hundred years ago in Italy, the tradition is fast becoming a part of our very own coffee culture here in the United Kingdom.

Known in Italy as Caffè sospeso – which translates to “suspended coffee” or “pending coffee” – the movement had been thought to have died out as a post-war economic boom meant people had more money to provide for themselves.

Instead, the tradition became more common during the Christmas period – where generosity seems to be in greater supply.

But how does it work?

It’s simple really.

First, when you walk into a coffee shop, instead of just buying just one cup of coffee, you have the option to buy two or more.

Of course, you buy one for yourself and one for someone in need. The barista who serves you will give you your coffee first, then logs the second coffee as “suspended”. 

This suspended coffee can then be redeemed in a number of ways.

The best thing about the suspended coffee is that unlike some other methods of charitable donation, the money is spent within your community, on people that really need the help.

Instead of being added to a large pot of accessible funds, this means that you really make a difference to the people within an area.

Who can get a suspended coffee?

Some might disagree with this notion, but a suspended coffee can be claimed by almost anyone, although this can vary with each coffee shop.

But for the most part, a suspended coffee can be for anyone.

It can be claimed by that homeless man you pass every day on the street, a stressed student in the middle of exams, or even just a busy mum who needs a five-minute break.

The idea is that by pre-purchasing, we forgo the ability to judge who is ‘in need’ of a free coffee.

By very definition: if someone asks, then surely they are in need.

As a feel-good boost, we can’t think of a better drink to offer someone, after all, we are coffee lovers!

So if you’re ever feeling generous or flush with cash, then check with your local coffee shop and see if they offer a Caffè sospeso option.