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the Sexagintuple Vanilla Bean Mocha Frappuccino

the Sexagintuple Vanilla Bean Mocha FrappuccinoNo, that isn’t the latest office tongue twister we’ve been trying to repeat after being spun around on our chairs….

We are well aware that coffee tastes evolve over the years and that people’s desire for java has morphed into some rather abstract choices of drink in recent times, but we think that the Sexagintuple Vanilla Bean Mocha Frappuccino takes the biscuit as the most outlandish and most decadent – not to mention potentially the most hazardous – that we have seen in a long, long time.

Yes, the Sexagintuple Vanilla Bean Mocha Frappuccino is actually a thing now in coffee parlance and it certainly blows away all those skinny extra shot mochas with no-sugar chocolate syrup, not to mention the camel lattes that hit our shores not too long ago, prompting The Metro to ponder if people took one hump or two.

As the story goes a Texas man, one Andy Chifari who will almost certainly go down in coffee infamy from now on, headed on down to his local well-known coffee store in Dallas and wanted something big. Something really big; he wanted the biggest coffee drink ever.

Originally the drink started out as an iced coffee but then soon expanded to ridiculous proportions with the addition of sixty shots of espresso before cream, sauces, drizzles and extra toppings were added, all contained in a monster sized 128 fl oz beaker he had brought in especially.

Luckily for him, the barista were wise to his feats and actively helped out in creating this monster.

Speaking to the website Consumerist.com, Andrew mentioned that he wanted to create not only the biggest drink known so far, but one that was actually drinkable. He claimed that the previous record holder just threw things together whilst his, apparently, was skillfully crafted. “It took us a few minutes to figure out all the math” behind the drink, he noted.

And did he drink it? Well, it appears he did. But, thankfully not in one sitting.

After five days the Sexagintuple Vanilla Bean Mocha Frappuccino is no more.

By now you are probably wondering how much caffeine was in this sixty-shot cold-coffee.  By our calculations about 4.5g’s worth, which is well over ten times the recommended limited as set down by the UK Food Standards Agency.


picture: Andrew Chifari, Twitter