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The goodness in coffee

There was an interesting article in Handbag.com recently, all about the goodness in coffee.

Coffee, after all, is a global industry and is drunk in enormous quantities world-wide.

So it’s important to find out what it does to us!

There is plenty of good news.

According to reports, coffee drinkers are less likely to develop certain maladies, including certain strokes, Parkinson’s disease and dementia, plus type-2 diabetes.

There are, of course, some reservations and qualifications to these claims and further research is needed, but the statistics and findings in some studies have been positive.

Also, there is some good news about drinking coffee after doing exercise.

A research project in Australia suggested that even small amounts of caffeine can help you to exercise for longer.

How much longer?

Nearly a third, no less.

This can help muscles to convert fat as energy.

On the anti-oxidant front, things look good too.

Coffee contains them and, as we all know, these little fellas are great at combatting the effects of harmful radical pollutants.

I would suggest that there are other benefits too.

Think about the great bonding effects of sipping a cup of joe.

It is great for networking, for savouring with friends, an excuse to meet up with lovers, family and business colleagues.

It has a history of sparking debate   the earliest coffee houses in London were dubbed ‘penny universities’ for good reason.

Bottoms up!