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CIFAS coffee stunt shows us dangers of sharing our online data

CIFAS coffee stunt

Online identity theft is on the rise, and is rapidly becoming one of the fastest growing crimes in the United Kingdom.

As a result protecting your personal data is now more important than ever, with such a wealth of services and social channels becoming breeding grounds for criminals seeking to capitalise on our private information.

CIFAS, the UK’s fraud prevention service have produced a video set in our favourite haunt — the coffee shop — to highlight just how easy it is to access a wealth of our personal information online…

…continue reading CIFAS coffee stunt shows us dangers of sharing our online data

The worst Friends coffee shop error ever

Friends gaffe

The problem with not having Friends on repeat on Channel 4 here in the UK means we are less likely to spot as many errors as if the broadcaster were still showing us all the Joey and co we can handle on E4.

But one eagle-eyed Friends fan has spotted possibly one of the worst errors by a TV extra that we’ve ever seen.

Not only does it occur in the beloved Central Perk coffee shop, but it also involves an extra ‘making a meal’ of a cup of coffee…

…continue reading The worst Friends coffee shop error ever

The Ristretto: Why and how to make one

The Ristretto

The Ristretto shot is sometimes considered to be ‘the perfect pour’, with considered being the key word: The coffee elite continue to debate this topic until eternity, some (unfairly in our eyes it must be said) label it as ‘the lame duck’ of coffee, others absolutely adore it.

It has perches itself on the knife-edge of coffee extraction and as such, the ristretto is far removed from the world of lattes, cappuccinos, steamed milk and sprinkles.

…continue reading The Ristretto: Why and how to make one

How NASA cracked zero-gravity espresso

How NASA cracked zero-g espresso

Astronauts need coffee too, but creating coffee in space poses quite a few problems.

Not least because there is no gravity!

The experts at NASA required creative solution for their astronauts to make great coffee, in the process they came up with the…ISSpresso…

…continue reading How NASA cracked zero-gravity espresso

Starbucks has more money than some banks have in deposits

is starbucks becoming a bank

It seems absurd that someone would store money on a loyalty card right? Well it turns out that this absurdity is actually become a reality.

A recent study by the Wall Street Journal – who reviewed data from S&P Global Market Intelligence – found that Starbucks had around $1.2 billion loaded onto loyalty cards.

This raises the question, is Starbucks a bank? …continue reading Starbucks has more money than some banks have in deposits

The Cuban espresso

Cuban espresso

With the weather once again taking a turn for the worse, the rain pouring down (the British Summer hasn’t got the memo) and it being generally very, very miserable, we have banded together to provide a recipe that will bring a little slice of the Caribbean to our grey isles.

So whether you’re in the coffee shop or at home, enjoy one of the best aspects of Cuban cuisine – Cuban Espresso (also known as a the Cafecito or Café Cubano, it goes by many names).

…continue reading The Cuban espresso

What is coffee flour?


What if you could lower the amount of sugar in your baked goods without affecting the taste, but still be something you would want to consume every day?

And what if that alternative was loading with antioxidants and also used a by product of another food process?  It turns out that a few enterprising people came up with a solution: Coffee Flour.

But what is coffee flour? And why is it proving to be an amazing alternative to regular flour?

…continue reading What is coffee flour?